Free Space Optical Communication link using optical Mach-Zehnder modulator and analysis at different parameters

Free Space Optical Communication become more and more popular due to its advantage over Radio Frequency Communication. In this paper performance of system is observed in form of BER and Q-factor at different parameters. It is observed that BER is increased with increase in distance and Q-factor is decreased with increase in distance. BER and Q-factor is also affected by input power. If input power is increase then signal intensity is increased and maximum signal is reached at receiver. It also affects BER and Q-factor by decreasing the value of BER and increasing Q-factor. It is observed that with Mach-Zehnder optical modulator we get a BER of 10-90 at a distance of 1.7 km with input power 6dBm and Q-factor 60 is achieved at a distance of 1.6 km with input power of SilBm.