Diuretic and natriuretic activities from ten medicinal plants used in south Benin

The present investigation aimed to appreciate the d iuretic and natriuretic activities from south Benin ese10 leaves and roots plants aqueous extracts and their extempo rary infusions in normal wistar rats. After orally administration of the different aqueous extract at dose 109.6 mg/k g, and extemporary infusion at 7.6 mL/kg (body weig ht) to Wistar rat, the volume of urine excreted was determined in stepped up test-tube and the quantity of ions (Na , K) by ionic spectrophotometrically measuring. Sarcocephalus Lat ifolius, Senna siamea and furosemide (as reference drug) showed, in Wistar rat treated, an important signifi cant diuretic activities ( ≥ 150% and 173.60% respectively). A weak diuretic activity was obtained with Azadiracht a Indica, Coconucifera and Mangifera Indica, the st p one by Dialium Guineense and Momordica Charantia when the antidiuretic activity was observed from Acanthosper mum Hispidum, Crateva Adansonii and Uvaria Chamea. Pota ssium excretion was significantly increased by Uvar ia Chamea, Azadirachta Indica and Momordica Charantia while the seven others plants produced significant increases in sodium ([Na ]/[K ] ratio > 1) compared to that of furosemide (2.52). The resu lts have showed that the urine of Wistar rathas a pH between 6.7 and 7.8 wit h an average of 7.2 ± 0.4. Sarcocephalus Latifolius and Senna siamea infusions were the best in terms of diuretic and natriuretic activities and provided quantitati ve basis for explaining their use in folk Beninese medicine.