Paper 6: A Thermohydrodynamic Analysis of Journal Bearings:

A thermohydrodynamic analysis is discussed which takes account of the general nature of the experimental observations in work which forms part of a programme of research designed to develop an improved understanding of better design procedures for journal bearings. The analysis considers compatible solutions of the Reynolds, energy, and heat conduction equations for two-dimensional conditions. It is shown that the solutions are in reasonable agreement with experimental findings.The two-dimensional solutions of the Reynolds and energy equations take full account of the variation of lubricant properties along and across the film. A very simple and approximate representation is used to estimate the temperature distribution in the bush, but the solutions present a reasonable estimate of bush and shaft temperatures.The ‘thermohydrodynamic’ or ‘heat conduction’ solution to journal bearing problems will provide intermediate, and it is hoped more realistic, results between the extreme ‘isothermal’ and ‘adiabatic’...