Learner-Centered Astronomy Teaching: Strategies for ASTRO 101

Foreword. Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Goals and Objectives. 3. Teaching for Understanding: Recent Results from Physics and Astronomy Education Research. 4. Designing an Effective Syllabus. 5. Lecturing for Active Participation. 6. Implementing Small-Group Collaborative Learning. 7. Strategies for Writing Effective Multiple-Choice Test Items. 8. Alternatives to Multiple-Choice Tests. 9. Course Evaluations: Finding Out What's Working...and What Isn't. 10. The Teaching Portfolio: Demonstrating Excellence in Teaching. Appendix A: Seasonal Stars Lecture Tutorial. Appendix B: Sample Think-Pair-Share Questions. Appendix C: Astronomy Diagnostic Test. Appendix D: Bloom's Taxonomy. Appendix E: Collaborative Learning Tasks. Appendix F: Sample Learning Objectives. Appendix G: Attitude Survey. Appendix H. Astronomy Education Research Annotated Bibliography. References.