Delivering Multimedia in Autonomic Networking Environments

This paper aims to investigate the most important aspects, features and requirements around the delivery of Multimedia services in cross-layer architectures that can be exploited for the development of autonomic service management middleware on the top of autonomic networking environments. Fundamental autonomic features like self-management, self-healing and self-adaptation are closely (re) considered and analyzed through the prism of network agnostic media adaptation and other application-layer management mechanisms with the aim to indentify the expected impact of autonomics in end user service deployment experience. The work describes on a high level the specific features and requirements of a proposed autonomic service management framework for the support of steaming media applications in fixed and mobile autonomic accessed networking environments. The work is part of the EFIPSANS project one of the largest research project in IPv6 enabled autonomic networks and Extensions to IPv6 (IPv6++) towards the Self-Managing Future Internet.