Method of Water Surface Temperature Retrieval Based on HJ-1B

In this paper,the thermal infrared band data of HJ-1B are used to retrieve water surface temperature.After calibration,the water index is used in the procedure of identifying the water body,in accordance with which the routines for the desired district of water are compiled.In terms of the model,the MODTRAN4 has employed to revise the mono-channel algorithm proposed by Jimenez-Munoz and Sobrino,considering the HJ-1B thermal infrared channel spectral response function.The parameter "content of vapor" in algorithm is obtained from the MOD05 vapor product.At the end,the effectiveness of result using MODIS sea surface temperature products are verified,and compared with the HJ-1B data of the same time.And the result shows that there are 78.695% among the 1211 validation points have the relative error less than 5%.So it is feasible to apply the HJ-1B thermal infrared data to retrieve the water surface temperature.