Department of Defense Field Activity Roles as Enablers for the Industrial Base: Naval Laboratory Analysis that Supports Key Acquisition Decisions

Abstract : Department of Defense (DoD) Field Activities scientists and engineers support the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System and Defense Acquisition Management System processes, providing study leadership and technical analysis as part of the Pre-Milestone B activities. These technical analyses have direct bearing on formal documents and decision milestones, enabling senior leadership to effectively focus the efforts of the industrial base. Many technical analyses are required in this phase of the acquisition cycle. Each year, DoD Field Activities personnel are involved in a number of successful technical analysis efforts that directly support requirements and acquisition plans. Through analysis, scientists and engineers work to understand the capability needed to fill operational gaps and express that need in the form of requirements. They also have a direct link and responsibility to the operational community, routinely working alongside their military counterparts, which allows them insight into operational needs. Data and other information developed by the DoD Field Activities can be shared with all industry partners since it is government owned. Illustrated in this paper is the manner in which the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, uses technical analysis to support acquisition decisions that focus the industrial base.