Class Fdesign criteria validation through nonlinear loadpullsimulation

Suchassumptions clearly simplify themathematical Abstract - Inthis paper anapproach forclass Fpower analysis, while theresults inactual devices could bein amplifier design criteria validation ispresented. Theaimisto principle different andinanycasetheoptimumK3 validate class F PA design theory, whichisprovided by condition foranonlinear problem should bevalidated by theoretical limits usedforcalculus simplification. The using afull nonlinear optimisation strategy. Nevertheless, method isbased onfull nonlinear simulations carried ona ablind nonlinear optimisation process requires tighter nonlinear PHEMT device model. Inparticular thedifferencegoals, andits convergence isnotassured. between theoretical andreal optima, andthecases inwhich this and by using a not ded. thisoccurs, willbe evidenced. Forsuchvalidation a Inthis work,byusing adeveloped dedicated toolfor dedicated software tool using alinearization technique, will nonlinear optimisation problems (4), implemented ina bediscussed. commercial CAD environment (ADSinthis case(5)), the performances ofanactual HEMT device loaded hasbeen Index Terms - Class F,CADsimulation, high efficiency. deeply investigated, toestablish theoptimumharmonic conditions compared withtheoretical prediction. I.INTRODUCTION