Calliandra surrinamensis is a low branching, ever green shrub with many pharmacological and medicinal properties. The oil from dried seeds of C. surrinamensis (pink powder puff) was investigated for its fat soluble vitamin content. The plant seeds were collected, dried and pulverized to fine powder. The oil was extracted using n-hexane. The concentrations of fat soluble vitamins in the oil were investigated using standard methods. The oil analysis showed the presence of vitamins A, D, E and K. It was observed that vitamin A had the highest concentration of 14.0 mg/l (at 325 nm), followed by vitamin E; 9.692 mg/l (at 529 nm), vitamin D; 3.0 mg/l (at 264 nm) and vitamin K ;1.462mg/l (at 635 nm) using UV – VS spectrophotometer. The functional groups of the different vitamins in the oil were also analysed using fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR). The OH stretch in alcohol, vinyl group of alkenes, vinylic group (=C – H), C – H bend of methyl groups and C – O stretch of 1o alcohol signals were indicated at 3466.0, 3065.6, 1609.9, 1367.6 and 1068.3cm-1respectively. The carboxyl group (RCOOH) in retinoic acid occured at frequency of 3745.8cm-1, OH group at 3385.9cm-1 and C = O of alkenes at 1796.02 cm-1. The functional groups of other fat soluble vitamins were observed at frequencies which ranged from 745.25 to 3745.81cm-1. The seed oil fromC.surinamensis, showed that the extract is a rich source of fat soluble vitamins and therefore necessitate a more detailed investigation. Key words: Calliandra surrinamensis, seed oil, vitamins, FTIR