On Two Skeletons of Dicynodontia from Sinkiang

Since the details of the Theromorpha-bearing beds of Sinkiang have as yet not been fully outlined, we feel that it is too early to draw any reliable stratigraphical and palaeontological conclusions now, but we mention the wealth of the fauna. The two specimens here described are all well preserved and nearly complete. According to the information supplied by Yuan, there are still a considerable number of boxes unpacked. We hope to find more interesting finds so as to obtain a general view of the fauna in Sinkiang. Palaeontologically speaking, the genera of the fauna so far recognized are Dicynodon, Lystrosaurus and Chasmatosaurus (a Pelcosimia) (to be described in the near future). No Cynodontia or other interesting forms are recorded. This strongly suggests that, as in the Karroo formation, Dicynodon and Lystrosaurus also represent the most common and widely distributed animals among the other Theromorphan reptiles in Sinkiang. As far as the known forms in Sinkiang are concerned, no remarkable anatomical characters are found. All three genera are known in S. Africa. It therefore seems, that either a land connection between both existed or that the conditions between both during the Permo-Triassic time were extremely similar.