Detecting Transient Weather Phenomena on Mars - An Overview of the Design and Calibration of Multiparametric Detection Algorithms for the REMS/MSL Mission
In its baseline operation mode, the REMS/MSL mission is not well suited to characterize transient weather phenomena evolving on multiple scales. In this paper we argue that this limitation can be overcome by enabling REMS to autonomously detect sudden and unexpected changes in the acquired data and subsequently extend the time allocated for measurements. Detection is accomplished by means of multiparametric Event-Finding Algorithms running on the REMS micro-controller. We describe the principles underlying the design of such algorithms and the methods for their calibration. 1 DESCRIPTION OF REMS The Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) is an instrument suite to be carried aboard the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover. It is being developed and integrated at the Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB/(CSIC-INTA)) as a contribution of the Spanish Government. REMS comprises two booms attached to the rover mast at an angle of 120