English-Korean patent system: fromTo-EK/PAT

This paper addresses a method for customizing an En glish-Korean machine translation system from genera l domain to patent domain. The customizing method includes the followings: (1) extracting and constructing large bilingual termin ology and the patent-specific translation patterns, (2) adapting the probabilitie s of POS tagger trained from general domain to the pat nt domain, (3) syntactically analyzing long and complex sentences by recognizing coordinate structures, and (4) selecting a proper target word using patentspecific bilingual dictionary and collocation knowl edge extracted from patent corpus. The translation accuracy of the customized EnglishKorean patent translation system is 82.43% on the a verage in 5 patent categories (machinery, electronics, chemistry, medicine and co mputer) according to the evaluation of 7 profession al patent translators. A patent MT system for electronics domain was installed and started an on-line MT service in IPAC (Internationa l P tent Assistance Center) under MOCIE (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Ene rgy) in Korea. In 2007, KIPO (Korean Intellectual P roperty Office) is expected to launch its English-Korean MT service fo r whole patent domain.