Everything Flows : Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology

Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré (eds.) Foreword Johannes Jaeger (KLI) Part I: Introduction 1. A Manifesto for a Processual Philosophy of Biology John Dupré (Exeter) & Daniel J. Nicholson (Exeter) Part II: Metaphysics 2. Processes and Precipitates Peter Simons (Trinity College Dublin) 3. Dispositionalism: A Dynamic Theory of Causation Rani Lill Anjum (NMBU) & Stephen Mumford (Durham & NMBU) 4. Biological Processes: Criteria of Identity and Persistence James DiFrisco (KLI) 5. Genidentity and Biological Processes Thomas Pradeu (Bordeaux) 6. Ontological Tools for the Process Turn in Biology: Some Basic Notions of General Process Theory Johanna Seibt (Aarhus) Part III: Organisms 7. Reconceptualizing the Organism: From Complex Machine to Flowing Stream Daniel J. Nicholson (Exeter) 8. Objectcy and Agency: Towards a Methodological Vitalism Denis Walsh (Toronto) 9. Symbiosis, Transient Biological Individuality, and Evolutionary Processes Frédéric Bouchard (Montréal)

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