Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes

ONE is often grateful for the existence of general surveys which are written for international congresses or commemorative volumes. They provide excellent opportunities of summarizing a subject in a form which gracefully supplies entertainment and instruction. It is very doubtful, however, if there is any justification for the collection and re-publication of the general reviews written by a single author. Inevitably they cover large areas of the subject, and inevitably they overlap. Brief accounts of the same illustrative experiment reappear time after time, until one longs for tables of data and experimental protocols. Of the fifteen chapters in this volume, eleven consist of general articles. The translator has carried out extensive condensation and excision, but far too much that is redundant remains.Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes. Vol. 2: Conditioned Reflexes and PsychiatryProf. Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov. Translated and edited by Dr. W. Horsley Gantt. Pp. 199 + 7 plates. (London: Lawrence and Wishart, Ltd., 1941.) 8s. 6d. net.