In an experimental farrowing room 16 crates were used to study systems for heat protection ofthe sows. The crates were provided with 3 different solutions in comparison: drip cooling (5crates), drip and snout cooling (6), drip cooling and a full steel sheet placed under the body of thesow (5). The snout cooling was realized by means of pipes bringing outside air near the head ofthe sow. Air velocity was 7.2 m/sec, the air flow rate was 88 m3/h. During 3 cycles the following data were collected: body and skin temperatures, fat thickness andbody condition score of the sows. A closed-circuit television system was also installed to collectinformation about the behavior of the sows cooled by the drip system only or by both drip andsnout cooling. The differences concerning body and skin temperatures of the sows cooled with the comparedsystems were not significant. Also fat thickness and BCS of the sows measured at the beginningand at the end of the cycle were not significantly different. The behavioral patterns of the sows kept in the crate with drip cooling and snout cooling showedhow sows appreciated the use of snout cooling. The farrowing crate must be long enough toallow the sow to choose the more comfortable position inside. In conclusion a good system for heat protection of the sows could be realized arranging togetherthe 3 systems: drip and snout cooling with a full floor placed under the head of the animal.