Sorting is the fundamental and the most common used operation in computer science. Arranging list of elements in a particular order is called sorting. To facilitate some other operations such as searching, merging and normalization we often required sorting. In the computation as well as in practical life there are many sorting algorithm that are being used. A sorting algorithm consists of comparison, swap, and assignment operation. The algorithms which are easy to comprehend but have the worst time complexity of O (n2) are Bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort. To enhance the performance in terms of computational complexity, memory and other factors there are a lot of sorting algorithms has been developed. There are five types of sorting algorithms available for a long time in data structure, which are Bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort, merge sort and quick sort and gives their performance analysis with respect to time complexity. In this paper our main goal is to study how all the five sorting algorithms work and compares them on the basis of various parameters apart from time complexity to reach our conclusion.