A Lightweight Theorem Prover Interface for Eclipse

A major deliverable of the EU FP6 FET program MOBIUS project is the development of an Integrated Verification Environment (IVE)—the synthesis of a programming-centric Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a proving-centric Interactive Theorem Prover (ITP). This IVE focuses on Java verification. Therefore, Eclipse was chosen as the IDE in which to integrate the system. In this paper we present ProverEditor, a system used to interact with theorem provers from within Eclipse. It is similar to the Proof General Toolkit for Eclipse, except that it has a much more lightweight architecture, and consequently less features and more flexibility. In this paper we summarize its main functionality, as well as the plugin for the initial and primary prover that is well-supported, Coq. We also summarize the system’s architecture and discuss our work on integrating other ITPs, PVS in particular.