Predicting the occurrence and decline of Astragalus verus Olivier under climate change scenarios in Central Iran

Abstract Modeling species distribution and predicting the effects of climate change on plant species decline are necessary in restoration programs. This study aimed to predict the occurrence and decline of Astragalus verus under climate change in Central Iran with an area of about 123,167 km2. We recorded 12 and 71 sites for the dead and alive species using the stratified sampling method, respectively. The general circulation model of CCSM4 was applied at two timeframes of present and 2050 under two climate change scenarios of RCP2.6 and RCP8.5. Four environmental variables of annual mean temperature, the maximum temperature of the warmest month, the precipitation of the coldest quarter, and elevation were selected as the inputs of the nine statistical models. Results indicated that Random Forest model had the best performance in predicting climatic niche and decline of A. verus (AUC and TSS of 0.99) compared to the other models. The suitable habitat and decline for this species are 12.4% and 19.87% of the study area, respectively. With the estimated temperature rise of 3 °C under the CCSM4-RCP2.6 scenario, A. verus habitat will shrink by about 3.4% of the study area and will move toward higher elevations with colder temperatures in the future. Most changes in the suitability of the species will occur in the altitude range of 1800 to 2200 meters because the most temperature and precipitation variations will happen in this elevation stratum. The results can be used to prevent its rapid dieback or even restore vegetation cover in regions with similar conditions.

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