HIRDLS Cryocooler Subsystem on‐orbit Performance

This paper describes the HIRDLS (High Resolution Dynamic Limb Sounder) Cryocooler Subsystem (CSS) and its on‐orbit flight performance. The HIRDLS Instrument was launched on July 15, 2004 as part of the NASA GSFC EOS Aura platform. Ball Aerospace provided the CSS, which includes the long life Stirling cryocooler (cooling at 59 K), cold plumbing to connect the cooler to the instrument Detector Subsystem, an ambient radiator to reject the cooler dissipation, and a vacuum enclosure system that enabled bench top ground testing. As of August 20, 2005, the cryocooler has over 9,000 hours of continuous operation with performance that exceeds requirements. Of note is that the CSS has experienced virtually no change in performance, including no indication of external contamination related degradation that has been evident on several other cryocooler systems in space flights. This steady performance can be attributed to the multi‐layer insulation (MLI) based insulation design, which will be described in the paper.