Objective: To analyse perceived impairments, disability, job restrictions and job changes in subjects with a neurapraxia and neurotmesis of the ulnar nerve five years after trauma. Design: Retrospective, descriptive follow-up study. Setting: Department of Rehabilitation of a University Hospital. Subjects: Sixteen subjects with a neurotmesis (NT-group) and 20 subjects with a neurapraxia (NP-group) were compared by means of a structured interview assessing perceived impairments and change in job and a questionnaire assessing disabilities (Groningen Activity Restriction Scale: GARS). Results: The NP-group perceived significantly more pain, loss of strength and sensation, loss of dexterity and perceived more job-related restrictions than the NT-group. The NP-group had significantly higher scores on the GARS. There was a moderate correlation between the visual analogue score of the pain and the GARS in the NP- and NT-groups. No significant difference was found between the groups with respect to job changes. Conclusions: This study shows that subjects with a neurapraxia of the ulnar nerve perceive more impairments and disabilities compared with those subjects with a neurotmesis.
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The Groningen Activity Restriction Scale for measuring disability: its utility in international comparisons.
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The Functional Results of Ulnar Nerve Repair
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