The Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule
Since, by (8) pertaining to the nearest neighbor decision rule (NN rule). We briefly review the NN rule and then describe the CNN rule. The NN rule['l-[ " I assigns an unclassified sample to the same class as the nearest of n stored, correctly classified samples. In other words, given a collection of n reference points, each classified by some external source, a new point is assigned to the same class as its nearest neighbor. The most interesting t)heoretical property of the NN rule is that under very mild regularity assumptions on the underlying statistics, for any metric, and for a variety of loss functions , the large-sample risk incurred is less than twice the Bayes risk. (The Bayes decision rule achieves minimum risk but ,requires complete knowledge of the underlying statistics.) From a practical point of view, however, the NN rule is not a prime candidate for many applications because of the storage requirements it imposes. The CNN rule is suggested as a rule which retains the basic approach of the NN rule without imposing such stringent storage requirements. Before describing the CNN rule we first define the notion of a consistent subset of a sample set. This is a subset which, when used as a stored reference set for the NN rule, correctly classifies all of the remaining points in the sample set. A minimal consistent subset is a consistent subset with a minimum number of elements. Every set has a consistent subset, since every set is trivially a consistent subset of itself. Obviously, every finite set has a minimal consistent subset, although the minimum size is not, in general, achieved uniquely. The CNN rule uses the following algorithm to determine a consistent subset of the original sample set. In general, however, the algorithm will not find a minimal consistent subset. We assume that the original sample set is arranged in some order; then we set up bins called STORE and GRABHAG and proceed as follows. 1) The first sample is placed in STORE. 2) The second sample is classified by the NN rule, using as a reference set the current contents of STORE. (Since STORE has only one point, the classification is trivial at this stage.) If the second sample is classified correctly it is placed in GRABBAG; otherwise it is placed in STORE. 3) Proceeding inductively, the ith sample is classified by the current contents of …