Solitons and Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras

Introduction §1. Fock Representation of gf(°°) §2. T Functions and the KP Hierarchy §3. Reduction to A[" §4. Fermions with 2 Components §5. Algebras B^ and Co §6. Spin Representation of J&TO §7. Algebras D^ and £C §8. Reduction to Kac-Moody Lie Algebras §9. Time Evolutions with Singularities Other than k = 00 —The 2 Dimensional Toda Lattice— §10. Difference Equations —The Principal Chiral Field— Appendix 1. Bilinear Equations for the (Modified) KP Hierarchies Appendix 2. Bilinear Equations for the 2 Component Reduced KP Hierarchy Appendix 3. Bilinear Equations Related to the Spin Representations of Bca Appendix 4. Bilinear Equations Related to the Spin Representations of D^