Utilizing Neutrosophic Set in Social Network Analysis e-Learning Systems

Conducting effective eLearning in the age of Social Networks is a big challenge. Education is currently conducted in highly controlled way. E-learning has emerged as an answer to provide freedom for learners in the way that face-to-face learning cannot deliver. Despite many advantages of e-learning, it does not provide the best learning experience due to many shortages, limitations, and challenges. The best learning experience might be available by combining inclass and online learning. One more feature that e-learning lacks is peers interaction. Peers interaction has been facilitated through social networks. Utilizing social networks in e-Learning has changed the way students percieves learning. Neutrosophy has been introduced by Smarandache as a new branch of philosophy. Thepurpose of this paper is to present a proposed Social Learning Management System that integrates social activites in e-Learning, and utilize a new set theory called the neutrosophic set to analyze social networks data conducted through learning activities.Results shows that recommendations can be enhanced through utilizing proposed system.