Task-Individual-Social Software Fit in Knowledge Creation Performance

Thepresentarticleaimstodisclosetheroleoftask–individual–socialsoftwarefit(TISF)inknowledge creation in the context of the manufacturing and service industries and research institutes. The methodologyusedisanempiricalstudythatproposesandexaminestheproposedresearchmodel. Themediationeffectofstructuralsocialexchangeisalsoexplored.Resultsofthedataanalysisof279 validsamplesrevealthefollowingfindings.First,theeffectofTISFisconfirmed.Second,structural exchangesdonotmediatetheroleofTISFtowardcreationperformance.Third,TISFissignificantly associatedwiththesocialsoftware,creationtask,andindividualcognitionvariables.Lastly,goal-free andgoal-framecreationmodesandanalyticalandintuitivecognitionstylessignificantlyinfluence thefitoffeaturesofcreationtask,individualcognition,andsocialsoftware.Thearticleprovides domainscholarsandpractitionerswithvalueofthetask–individual–socialsoftwarefitinthecontext ofknowledgecreation.Discussionandimplicationsarealsopresentedinthisarticle. KeywoRdS Creation Task, Individual Cognition, Knowledge Creation, Social Software

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