Practicalists: The Technological Tool Users

Tools. Function. Purpose. Task. When Practicalists speak about using an ICT, they focus on the technology’s usefulness, function, and purpose. Practicalists do not stay up all night playing with a new gadget, exploring all the nifty new features. They will not be the first in line at the store to buy the newest technology or be well-versed in all the latest updates. Practicalists view ICTs as purposeful tools meant to get a job done or complete a task. They see individual technologies as fulfilling a specific purpose/ function in their lives. Practicalists often are (or were) involved in paid work that involves heavy ICT use. Work is an important point of introduction for Practicalists, as it is through work and its associated tasks that they most often encounter new functions and technologies. They place ICTs in their homes in specific functionally dedicated areas: computers belong in offices, televisions in dens, and landline phones are placed wherever they will get the most use. ICTs are seen as tools that serve a specific and distinct function in their lives, be they tools for family, leisure, work, or community.