Sky Eye: image processing software for amateur astronomers

The SkyEye project is an attempt to create software for educational and amateur variable stars research. Easy graphical interface, automation of many actions and possibility of using low-cost internet cameras makes this software suitable for students and amateur astronomers for observations, measurements and data analysis. The goal is achieved by extending AudeLa project with additional shared libraries written in C/C++ and TCL scripts, much effort was made in order to ensure compatibility with different operating systems, Linux and Windows. The project was developed in the framework of the "Pi of the Sky" collaboration.

[1]  Grzegorz Wrochna CCD image enhancement techniques for high-noise devices , 2003, Symposium on Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments (WILGA).

[2]  Krzysztof T. Pozniak,et al.  Low-cost CCD cameras for amateur astronomy , 2003, Symposium on Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments (WILGA).