Two-Dimensional Thermal Haptic Module Based on a Flexible Thermoelectric Device.

In this study, we introduce a haptic communication method using two-dimensional (2D) arrayed thermal haptic module. The 2D thermal haptic module delivers real-time information to user through the thermoception of the user's skin. Such 2D thermal haptic module could be realized using flexible thermoelectric (TE) device and independent temperature control of individual unit cell that are arranged in the form of 2D array. The independent temperature control and access to the specific TE unit cell could be achieved using active matrix addressing and serial H-bridge circuit. For the optimal design of the 2D thermal haptic module, an analysis of the spatial precision of human sense on temperature has been implemented. As a demonstration, the 2D thermal haptic module is attached to blind-assistive cane to inform the position of obstacles to the user. This study demonstrates that the flexible TE device can find a new application field as an information transfer tool, not only just as an energy generator or cooler, which are the conventional applications of TE device.