Low Complexity Reconfigurable Fast Filter Bank for Multi-Standard Wireless Receivers

In this paper, we propose a new uniform filter bank (FB) based on the improved coefficient decimation method (ICDM). In the proposed FB’s design, the ICDM is used to obtain different multi-band frequency responses using a single low pass prototype filter. The desired sub bands are individually obtained from these multi-band frequency responses by using low order frequency response masking filters and their corresponding ICDM output frequency responses. We show that the proposed FB is a very low complexity alternative to the other FBs in literature, especially the widely used discrete Fourier transform based FB (DFTFB) and the CDM based FB (CDFB). The proposed low-pass MFT-VDF offers unabridgedcontrol over the cutoff frequency on a wide frequency range thereby,improving the cutoff frequency range of existing VDFs. The design example shows that the RFFB is easy to design and offers substantial savings in gate counts over other filter banks.