용접구조물의 최신 비파괴 검사기술
As the Non Destructive Test (NDT) for the welded structure, PT(Penetration Test). MT(Magnetic Test), RT (Radioisotope Test) and UT(Ultrasonic Test) methods are widely used in practice. These NDT methods have been developed toward high efficiency, low cost, real time, and high precise new NDT. For example, RT methods are developed to CT(Computed Tomography)and DR(Digital Radiography), and UT metheds are developed into Phased array, Guide wave, TOFD method. Moreover, the Infrared thermography and Laser ultrasonic technique are newly developed for applying in high temperature objects as the non-contact NDT methods. In this review paper the new high efficiency NDT methods for the welded structure are introduced and the trend of NDT rules applying in welded structure are described.