흡기 조건 변화에 따른 4밸브 가솔린 기관의 실린더내 유동 특성에 관한 연구

In-cylinder bulk flow of 4 valve single cylinder gasoline engine under variable intake conditions were investigated in this experimental study to verify the correlation in-cylinder flow characteristics and intake conditions such as dual intake valve working, single intake valve working and dual intake valve with tumble intensifying valve(TIV) and swirl intensifying valve(SIV). Single frame particle tracking velocimetry was employed to measure the in-cylinder flow velocities quantitatively. The results were that under baseline engine and TIV adapted condition the flow had smaller radius of principal tumble and still had enough momentum to keep their direction over compression force made by decreased volume. However the mean flow velocities and tumble ratios were decreasing after BDC. TIV had effects on tumble ratio so as to give 1.35 times as strong as tumble ratio.