CAN-Transceiver for field bus powerline communications Prof . Dr

keywords: field bus systems, CAN, powerline, physical layer, interfaces The utilization of existing powerlines for communication purposes opens many possibilities wich can be advantageous used for a wide range of field bus applications. Known home automation solutions have low transmission speeds (e.g. EIB, LON) or works with other, packet-oriented communication techniques (OFDMor TDMA-based technologies). Networks with CSMA access (e-g. CAN) requires minimized signal delay times because these delays limits the possible transmission speed. CAN systems can be used for real-time applications and are especially time-critical. They works with bit-oriented arbitration mechanisms and composed protocol frames (acknowlegde-flag set from other bus nodes in the same frame!). Therefore the maximum delay time on the transmissionand receive path must be smaller then a half bit time. This hard timing requirement causes big problems during the realization of CAN powerline transceivers. Another requirement beside the global goal of real-time capability is the development of costand expenditureminimized transceivers. ,