Plane problem of the stability of composites with slipping layers

A characteristic feature of structural composite materials (CM) are defects between the components of the CM: cracks, venting failure, delaminations, etc. The origins of such defects usually lies in the production technology of CM or the conditions of their operation. The critical deformations {epsilon}{sub cr} at which CM with defects on the interface of properties lose stability in the structure (internal instability) must be smaller than in CM with the same structure but with firm cohesion (full contact) of the components along the entire interface. However, CM with cracks, bonding failure, or delaminations between the components of larger {epsilon}{sub cr} than CM that have no bond at all between the component parts, i.e., on the interface of properties there obtain conditions of sliding without friction (slippage, full sliding). The plane problem of internal instability of laminated CM with firm cohesion of layers was dealt with elsewhere with the application of the principle relations of the three-dimensional linearized theory of stability of deformed bodies. To obtain the lower boundary for the critical deformation of laminated CM with defects between layers, the present work investigates the internal instability of CM with slipping layers.