위치 불확실성 감소를 위한 중첩 초음파 센서 링의 설계

This paper presents the principle of reducing the positional uncertainty inherent to an ultrasonic sensor using overlapped ultrasonic sensors and the effective arrangement of ultrasonic sensors for reduced positional uncertainty. It is assumed that ultrasonic sensors used are of a wider beam width which are avaiable at a lower cost. First, for both single and double obstacles, we explain that the overlapped beam pattern of two adjacent ultrasonic sensors can reduce the positional uncertaint of an individual ultrasonic sensor. With the entire sensing zone of two ultrasonic sensors divided into three smaller sub zones, how to determine the sub zone where the detected obstacle belongs from the measurements of two ultrasonic sensors. Next, aiming at reduced positional uncertainty, we propose a optimal design of an ultrasonic sensor ring in which a set of ultrasonic sensors are arranged at a regular interval with their beams overlapped. As an example, the optimal design of an overlapped ultrasonic sensor ring using commercial ultrasonic sensors having a low directivity is given.