미용학원 수강생의 SNS 활용행동이 미용학원 선택구매행동에 미치는 영향

Focusing on the growing interest for Social Network Services (SNS), the purpose of this study is to investigate how behaviors of SNS use among beautician students influence their selection for and purchase of beauty academies. For empirical research, survey was conducted on-site with students currently attending private beauty academies that are located in Seoul metropolitan area and are providing SNS including Twitter, Facebook, Blog, online cafe, and a mobile app. The survey proceeded for three weeks, in 2013, and a total of 329 sets were used in the final analysis. The collected data was statistically analyzed using SPSS 17.0 program. Data analysis methods were selected depending on the research questions and included frequency analysis, cross analysis, factor analysis, t-test, and one-way ANOVA, and the accompanying post-analysis Duncan test and multiple regression analysis. According to the findings from the factor analysis aimed to identify common factors along the line of the survey respondents" behavioral characteristics in using SNS, two factors were identified in information use behaviors and were respectively named "active information use behavior" and "passive information use behavior. It was found that information use behaviors have an effects on selecting and purchasing behaviors. It was indicated that, with the increase of active SNS use behaviors, there is increase of selecting and purchasing behaviors.