IEEEJOURNALOFSOLID-STATI?CIRCUITS,VOL.SC-9,NO.3, JUNE1974Dr. Porter serves as a member of the IEEE Group on Parts,Hybrid, and Packaging (GPHP) Advisory Committee, the Solid-State Circuits Council, and is a member of the American PhysicalSociety, American Society for Engineering Education, Sigma Xi;and Eta ~KappaNu.Jay W. Latbrop (M’6s-SM’71) was born in Bangor, Me., onSeptember 6, 1927. He received the B. S., M. S., and Ph.D.degrees in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- fessor of Electricalnoloxv. Cambridge, in 1948. 1949. and 1952. res~ectivelv. versitv. Clemson. S.103developed techniques of miniaturizing elec-tronic circuits. He was awarded the Meri-torious Civilian Service Award by the De-partment of the Army for this work. From1958 to 1968 he worked for Texm Instru-ments, Inc., Dallas. During this ten-yearperiod he wax concerned entirely with thedevelopment of integrated circuits. Heserved in numerous capacities at ‘PI, themost recent being Manager of AdvancedTechnology. Since 1968 he has been Pro-and Computer Engineering at Clemson Uni-
E. Vittoz,et al.
Silicon-gate CMOS frequency divider for electronic wrist watch
R. M. Swanson,et al.
Ion-implanted complementary MOS transistors in low-voltage circuits
W. FISHWICK,et al.
Semiconductor Controlled Rectifiers
G. L. Schnable,et al.
Some reliability considerations pertaining to LSI technology
M. White,et al.
Complementary MOS transistors
A. S. Grove,et al.
Effect of surface fields on the breakdown voltage of planar silicon p-n junctions
Carver A. Mead,et al.
Barrier energies in metal-silicon dioxide-silicon structures