High-Voltage Simultaneous Diffusion

IEEEJOURNALOFSOLID-STATI?CIRCUITS,VOL.SC-9,NO.3, JUNE1974Dr. Porter serves as a member of the IEEE Group on Parts,Hybrid, and Packaging (GPHP) Advisory Committee, the Solid-State Circuits Council, and is a member of the American PhysicalSociety, American Society for Engineering Education, Sigma Xi;and Eta ~KappaNu.Jay W. Latbrop (M’6s-SM’71) was born in Bangor, Me., onSeptember 6, 1927. He received the B. S., M. S., and Ph.D.degrees in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- fessor of Electricalnoloxv. Cambridge, in 1948. 1949. and 1952. res~ectivelv. versitv. Clemson. S.103developed techniques of miniaturizing elec-tronic circuits. He was awarded the Meri-torious Civilian Service Award by the De-partment of the Army for this work. From1958 to 1968 he worked for Texm Instru-ments, Inc., Dallas. During this ten-yearperiod he wax concerned entirely with thedevelopment of integrated circuits. Heserved in numerous capacities at ‘PI, themost recent being Manager of AdvancedTechnology. Since 1968 he has been Pro-and Computer Engineering at Clemson Uni-