The impact of atmosphere delays in processing of aircraft’s coordinates determination

In this article, the study's results of aircraft’s coordinates and their accuracy are presented. The airborne test was conducted in military airport in Deblin on 1st of June 2010. The aircraft position was determinate using SPP method in RTKPOST library in RTKLIB software. To calculate the aircraft’s coordinates two strategies were used, first include correction of atmosphere delays (I solution) and another without this correction (II solution). Based on these calculations, the average accuracy of aircraft position is less than 5 m for solution I and less than 8 m for solution II, respectively. The mathematical model for recovery of aircraft position; the configuration of parameters in SPP method for solution; the standard deviation values of X, Y and Z coordinates; the values of RMS-3D parameter are presented in the article. In this article, the impact of ionosphere and troposphere delay in processing of recovery of aircraft position is presented. The aircraft’s coordinates were obtained using SPP (Single Point Positioning) method for two solutions, e.g. including atmosphere corrections (I solution) and excluding (II solution). The article is divided into 5 sections: introduction, mathematical model for recovery of aircraft position, research experiment, results and discussion, conclusions.