Online reviews provide valuable information about products and services to consumers. However, spammers are joining the community trying to mislead readers by writing fake reviews. Previous attempts for spammer detection used reviewers' behaviors, text similarity, linguistics features and rating patterns. Those studies are able to identify certain types of spammers, e.g., those who post many similar reviews about one target entity. However, in reality, there are other kinds of spammers who can manipulate their behaviors to act just like genuine reviewers, and thus cannot be detected by the available techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel concept of a heterogeneous review graph to capture the relationships among reviewers, reviews and stores that the reviewers have reviewed. We explore how interactions between nodes in this graph can reveal the cause of spam and propose an iterative model to identify suspicious reviewers. This is the first time such intricate relationships have been identified for review spam detection. We also develop an effective computation method to quantify the trustiness of reviewers, the honesty of reviews, and the reliability of stores. Different from existing approaches, we don't use review text information. Our model is thus complementary to existing approaches and able to find more difficult and subtle spamming activities, which are agreed upon by human judges after they evaluate our results.
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Truth Discovery with Multiple Conflicting Information Providers on the Web
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Opinion spam and analysis
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Learning to Identify Review Spam