An overview of silicon carbide (SiC) materials is provided, focusing on reaction bonded (RB) SiC and its properties. The Miniature Infrared Camera and Spectrometer (MICAS) and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) SiC space instruments produced by SSGPO and flown under NASA's New Millennium Program are described, and some of the mission requirements associated with UV and extreme UV (EUV) applications are reviewed. Manufacturing options associated with SiC reflectors are reviewed and the optical performance demonstrated with these materials is presented. In order to review the suitability of these materials to UV and EUV missions microroughness and surface scatter results are shown.
R A Keski-Kuha,et al.
Performance of high-density cast silicon carbide in the extreme ultraviolet.
Applied optics.
Roger A. Paquin.
Advanced materials: an overview
Optics + Photonics.
Donald E. Lencioni,et al.
EO-1 Advanced Land Imager
Optics & Photonics.
Raymond P. Young.
Mirror-scatter degradation by particulate contamination
Optics & Photonics.
Jitendra S. Goela,et al.
Optics applications of chemical vapor deposited beta-SiC
Optics + Photonics.