Accommodation and vergence mechanisms in the visual system
Contents.-Preface.- Acknowledgements.- Scientific Committee.- Opening address by the University Chancellor Stig Hagstroem.- Participants of the International Symposium at the Wenner-Gren Center, Stockhom.- List of contributors.- Part I: CNS pathways, single unit, neural population and structural correlates of the accommodative system.- Mays, L. E. and Gamlin, P. D. R.: Neuronal circuits for accommodation and vergence in the primate. Gnadt, J. W.: Neural codes for three-dimensional space. Ohtsuka, K. and Sato, A.: Neuronal connectivity between the accommodative and active fixation systems. Erichsen, J. T., Hodos, W. and Evinger, C.: The pupillary light reflex, accommodation and convergence: comparative consideration. Bando, T., Hara, N., Takagi, M., Hasebe, H. and Toda, H.: Vergence eye movement and lens accommodation: cortical processing and neuronal pathway. Takeda, T., Endo, H. and Hashimoto, K.: Research on dynamic accommodation using TDO III (Three Dimensional Optometer III) and MEG (Magnetoencephalography). Richter, H., Lee, J. T. and Pardo, J. V.: Neuroanatomical correlates of the near response: Voluntary modulation of accommodation in the human visual system. Pardo, J. V., Sponheim, S. R., Costello, P., Lee, J. T., Han, Y. and Richter, H.: Functional neuroanatomy of the human near/far response of the visual system to blur cues: Fixation to point targets at different viewing distances. Franzen, O., Lennerstrand, G., Pardo, J. and Richter, H.: Spatial contrast sensitivity and visual accommodation studied with VEP (Visual Evoked Potential), PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and psychophysical techniques.- Part II: Autonomic nervous system, microfluctuations and resting state of accommodation.- Charman, W. N.: Accommodation and the through-focus changes of the retinal image. Winn, B.: Accommodative microfluctuations: a mechanism for steady-state control of accommodation. Gilmartin, B.: Pharmacology ofaccommod