Horizontal Wavenumber Spectra of Winds, Temperature and Trace Gases During the Pacific Exploratory Missions. 2; Gravity Waves, Quasi-Two-Dimensional Turbulence, and Vortical Modes

We examine the horizontal wavenumber spectra of horizontal velocity and potential temperature collected by aircraft above the Pacific Ocean to determine whether gravity waves, quasi-two-dimensional (Q-2-D) turbulence, or vortical modes dominate atmospheric fluctuations at scale sizes of 1–100 km and altitudes of 2–12 km. We conclude from the study of Doppler-shifting effects that Q-2-D turbulence and/or vortical modes are more prevalent than gravity waves over the ocean, except in the equatorial zone. The results are consistent with recent numerical simulations of Q-2-D turbulence, which show that the characteristic inverse cascade of energy is greatly facilitated by the presence of background rotation. Furthermore, a Stokes-parameter analysis reveals the general paucity of coherent wavelike motions, although specific cases of gravity-wave propagation are observed. Finally, a case study of a long flight segment displays a k−3 horizontal velocity variance spectrum at scales longer than about 100 km. A Stokes-parameter analysis indicates that these large-scale fluctuations were likely due to vortical modes rather than inertio-gravity waves.

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