The research is done in order to analyse management of waste beverage containers in Belarus and the effectiveness of policies implemented to address it. The analysis is followed by exploring whether the introduction of deposit-refund system (DRS) would help to address packaging waste issue in Belarus and, if so, what features the DRS should possess to be effective in current context. The study design is composed of three major steps. Firstly, the description of DRS as a market-based instrument (MBI) is done, followed be the presentation of two DRSs, that may provide interesting examples for Belarus. Secondly, the analysis of the waste beverage containers situation in Belarus is done, followed by the systems analysis of the policies and measures undertaken in order to address it. The analysis is followed by the assumption that DRS could become a tool, that will alter the existing situation. Thirdly, the context for DRS is defined through the PESTLE analysis framework, and the main features of the DRS to better suit the current conditions are defined. The analysis conducted helped to identify that various policies applied since 2002 to manage packaging waste in Belarus are not successful. Among the reasons defined one could name low level of public involvement. Thus, DRS seems to be an interesting proposal for the republic to increase the level of valuable materials extraction from household waste stream. The following features of future DRS are suggested in the research: the scope, the basis, the obliged parties, the type, deposit rate, the material and financial flows, etc. The research could be used for ex-ante evaluation of MBIs that will be used in municipal waste management in Belarus, for ex-post evaluation of the measures undertaken in the sphere. It would be interesting for the responsible authorities and for the researches, as there is a gap in assessment of the effectiveness of the measures implemented in Belarus aiming to address packaging waste. (Less)
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