Physics and Chemistry.
Abstract(1) THE Faraday Societys General Discussion on Molecular Spectra and. Molecular Structure, held at Bristol on Sept. 24–25, 1929, has already been reported in these columns (Oct. 12, 1929). The full report, which has now been issued as a separate publication, is remarkable in that it contains not less than forty original papers, together with verbal and written contributions to the discussion. It is, therefore, unsurpassed as a comprehensive survey of the important subject with which it deals, and has the special merit of being many months in advance of any volume that could be written by the most experienced author, since it discloses for the first time new facts and new opinions that can only gradually find their way into even the most up-to-date text-books.(1) Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure: a General Discussion held by the Faraday Society, September 1929. Pp. iii + 611–954. (London: The Faraday Society, 1929.) 15s. 6d. net.(2) Bandenspektra und ihre Bedeutung für die Chemie.Von Prof. Dr. R. Mecke. (Fortschritte der Chemie, Physik und physikalischen Chemie, herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. A. Eucken, Band 20, Heft 3.) Pp. iii + 87. (Berlin: Gebrüder Borntraeger, 1929.) 7.60 gold marks.