Robert A. van de Geijn | Devangi N. Parikh | Margaret E. Myers | Maggie E. Myers | R. Geijn | D. Parikh
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[11] Paolo Bientinesi,et al. Automatic Generation of Loop-Invariants for Matrix Operations , 2011, 2011 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications.
[12] Armando Solar-Lezama,et al. Report of the HPC Correctness Summit, Jan 25-26, 2017, Washington, DC , 2017, ArXiv.
[13] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. THE SCIENCE OF DERIVING STABILITY ANALYSES , 2008 .
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[15] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. SUMMA: scalable universal matrix multiplication algorithm , 1995, Concurr. Pract. Exp..
[16] Paolo Bientinesi,et al. Knowledge-based automatic generation of linear algebra algorithms and code , 2014 .
[17] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. A case study in mechanically deriving dense linear algebra code , 2013, Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl..
[18] Tze Meng Low,et al. The BLIS Framework , 2016 .
[19] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. The libflame Library for Dense Matrix Computations , 2009, Computing in Science & Engineering.
[20] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. Anatomy of high-performance matrix multiplication , 2008, TOMS.
[21] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. Goal-Oriented and Modular Stability Analysis , 2011, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..
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[23] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. FLAME: Formal Linear Algebra Methods Environment , 2001, TOMS.
[24] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. Parallel implementation of BLAS: general techniques for Level 3 BLAS , 1995, Concurr. Pract. Exp..
[25] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. Deriving dense linear algebra libraries , 2013, Formal Aspects of Computing.
[26] Greg Henry,et al. Application of a High Performance Parallel Eigensolver to Electronic Structure Calculations , 1998, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM SC98 Conference.
[27] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. High-performance implementation of the level-3 BLAS , 2008, TOMS.
[28] Victor Eijkhout,et al. Towards mechanical derivation of Krylov solver libraries , 2010, ICCS.
[29] Tze Meng Low. A calculus of loop invariants for dense linear algebra optimization , 2013 .
[30] Robert A. van de Geijn,et al. Understanding performance stairs: elucidating heuristics , 2014, ASE.