Assessment methods for the upcoming ABET accreditation criteria for computer science programs

The accreditation criteria and assessment expectations for computer science programs are undergoing rapid changes as ABET seeks to normalize the criteria between its EAC and CAC commissions. This paper presents the curricular structure and assessment methods of a new computer science program and describes how it has met ABET/CACpsilas current criteria. The program adopted a set of outcomes for computer science that are aligned closely with those associated with engineering programs. Faculty connected their courses to the program outcomes with specific course outcomes, which are assessed quantitatively by multiple measurement methods. The end result is a program assessment procedure that fulfills the intent of ABET/CACpsilas criteria, provides the program with useful and actionable feedback, and does so without imposing an undo burden on faculty. The outcomes originally chosen for this program are a close fit with the program outcomes listed in ABETpsilas recently published ldquo2008-2009 Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs - New Criteriardquo, thus the structure presented in this paper may be applicable to programs undergoing a transition to these new criteria.