Active faulting in the dead sea rift

Abstract Manifestations of Late Quaternary and Holocene faulting were studied in a 500 km long segment of the Dead Sea transform (rift). Most prominent are left-slip faults, whose characteristic physiographic features are recognizable along most of the studied segment. Where these faults bend or are stepped to the left, rhomb-shaped grabens (or pull aparts) are produced, forming depressions. In the reverse situation compressional features such as pressure ridges, domes and folds form positive topographic features. Such structures are combined on a variety of scales ranging from a few hundred meters long to tens of kilometers. Normal faults, sub-parallel to the left slip faults, produce a trough-like valley along much of the Dead Sea transform, but are most prominent along the margins of the large rhomb-grabens, e.g., the Dead Sea trough. They apparently record a small component of transverse extension. Generally, their motion is slow: young slip did not occur along some segments during the last few 10 4 y. Elsewhere throws of 10–20 m at least occurred in this period. The Dead Sea transform is seismically active. The instrumental and historic records indicate a seismic slip rate of 0.15–0.35 cm/y during the last 1000–1500 y, while estimates of the average Pliocene—Pleistocene rate are 0.7–1.0 cm/y. Either much creep takes place, or the slip rate varies over periods of a few 10 3 y.

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