A Linear Space Translation of Functional Programs to Turner Combinators

where v and w are arbitrary variable names and E and F are arbitrary expressions. Innermost expressions always are transformed first. Special cases of S (calkd B and C) may be used when E and F do not both reference the variable v. This transformation leads to a combinatorial growth in the size of the expression. Turner has used the above combinators together with some others [3, 4] to reduce the combinatorial growth. However, Kennaway [2] has shown that a X-ex-

[1]  D. A. Turner Another Algorithm for Bracket Abstraction , 1979, J. Symb. Log..

[2]  S. Kamal Abdali,et al.  An abstraction algorithm for combinatory logic , 1976, Journal of Symbolic Logic.

[3]  D. A. Turner,et al.  A new implementation technique for applicative languages , 1979, Softw. Pract. Exp..