Failure process and energy transmission for single-layer reticulated domes under impact loads

No failure, moderate failure, severe failure, and slight failure are the four failure modes generalized observed in the dynamic response of the single-layer reticulated dome under vertical impact load on apex. TE (the time that the end of impact force) and TF (the time that members are broken) are two key times in the failure process. Characteristics of dynamic responses at the two key times are shown in order to make the failure mechanism clear. Then three steps of energy transfer are summarized, i.e. energy applying, energy loss and energy transfer, energy consumption. Based on the three steps, energy transfer process for the failure reticulated dome under once impact is introduced. Energy transmissibility and local loss ratio are put forward firstly to obtain ELF (the energy left in the main reticulated dome) from the initial kinetic energy of impactor. Moreover, the distribution of failure modes is decided by ELF which leads to the maximum dynamic response of the reticulated dome, but not by the initial impact kinetic energy of impactor.