Objectives: Congestion is one of the major threats that we experience while transferring the data in WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). It occurs when the incoming rate of the packets to the sensor exceeds its outgoing rate which leads to queuing delay and packet loss. Since the energy consumed is proportional to the amount of data being transmitted, energy consumption can be reduced by minimizing the unnecessary transmission of data. Methods: During congestion it leads to exhaustion of energy and decreases the efficiency of the node. In the existing method DAlPaS algorithm is used to increase the network life time by reducing energy depletion at the sensors along a single path by finding alternative path when more than one flow is initiated through the same path. Alternate path selection could be done either by soft stage scheme or by hard stage scheme. In soft stage, the node that receives more than one flow and has the risk of buffer overflow or low power status, advises one of the sending nodes to change the path and it continues to forward the packets for that flow till the sending node finds alternate path and changes the path. But in hard stage, the availability status of this neighbor node is set as false in the sending node’s neighbor table, so that the sending node is forced to find an alternate path before it sends the next packet. When more than one path exists, the sender will select the neighbor based on priority. The priority of a node is based on the distance from the sender and residual energy in the node. Findings: In the proposed method priority based dynamic alternative path selection algorithm is used to increase the network lifetime, to avoid network partition and packet loss due to energy depletion and to utilize the node’s energy efficiently. Applications: Some of the major applications of Wireless Sensor Networks are security surveillance, environmental data compilation and tracking of sensor node. Sensor network applications are wide in range and they vary significantly in the mode of deployment, modality of sensing or the power supply.
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DAlPaS: A performance aware congestion control algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
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An Energy Aware Congestion Controlled Cross Layered Approach in MANETS
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Upstream hop-by-hop congestion control in wireless sensor networks
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Ad hoc on-demand multipath distance vector routing
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Ad hoc on-demand multipath distance vector routing
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Joint Congestion Control and Packet Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Network
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Hierarchical Tree Alternative Path (HTAP) algorithm for congestion control in wireless sensor networks
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Vasos Vassiliou,et al.
Poster Abstract: Alternative Path Creation vs Data Rate Reduction for Congestion Mitigation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Jiming Chen,et al.
Congestion avoidance, detection and alleviation in wireless sensor networks
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C.
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TARA: Topology-Aware Resource Adaptation to Alleviate Congestion in Sensor Networks
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