Advances in Web-based Education: Personalized Learning Environments

PART 1: Modelling the learner - Chapter 1: Gender differences and hypermedia navigation: Principles for adaptive hypermedia learning systems Chapter 2: Modelling learner's cognitive abilities in the context of a Web-based learning environment Chapter 3: Dominant meanings towards individualized Web search for learning Chapter 4: An adaptive predictive model for student modelling Chapter 5: Giving learners a real sense of control over adaptivity, even if they are not quite ready for it yet PART 2: Designing instruction - Chapter 6: Building an instructional framework to support learner control in adaptive educational hypermedia systems Chapter 7: Bridging the gap with MAID: A method for adaptive instructional design Chapter 8: An adaptive feedback framework to support reflection, guiding and tutoring Chapter 9: Adaptable navigation in a SCORM compliant learning module PART 3: Authoring and exploring the content - Chapter 10: Authoring of adaptive hypermedia Chapter 11: Authoring of adaptive hypermedia courseware using AHyCo system Chapter 12: TEXT - COL- A tool for active reading PART 4: Approaches to integration - Chapter 13: From non-adaptive to adaptive educational hypermedia: Theory, research, and methodological issues Chapter 14: Contextualized learning: Supporting learning in context.