From Port Salines to Panama City: The Evolution of Command and Control in Contingency Operations

Abstract : This monograph examines the evolution in command and control (C2) in contingency operations with respect to the implementation of the Goldwater- Nichols DoD Reorganization Act of 1986. This piece of legislation encompasses a broad set of reforms, but the overarching intent of the bill was to improve the effectiveness of joint operations, with particular emphasis on the functions of C2. By way of addressing this issue, this monograph will examine two historical case studies of U.S. contingency operations that span the implementation of Goldwater-Nichols; Operations Urgent Fury and Just Cause. Before examining these operations, however, this monograph will first discuss the issue of C2 to arrive at a definition that can be used as a standard to measure its relative effectiveness in each respective operation. The definition will underscore the fact that command and control are separate but interdependent functions. Operation Urgent Fury is then analyzed at the operational level; a certain amount of chronological narrative is necessary to provide continuity. Following the Urgent Fury case study, the monograph traces the origins and development of the Goldwater-Nichols Act. Specific emphasis is placed on the issue of inter- service parochialism and its effects on joint operations are provided. The monograph then addresses the planning considerations for Operation Just Cause at the operational level; a narrative follows that captures the silent events of that action.